What To Do For Healthy Bones & Joints? Tips To Know

Healthy bones and joints are extremely important. Bones help bring structure to the body, protects the organs and stores calcium. While bone health should be something to take care of since childhood, it is never too late to do the right thing to make them better and stronger.

Why is Bone Health a Priority?

Bones are continuously changing. When young, it has the capability of growing faster and stronger. But as you grow older, bones function slower and become weaker. By the time you reach the age of 30, the chances of developing osteoporosis increases. Osteoporosis is a condition that makes the bones weak and brittle.

What Causes Bone Weakness?

  • Poor calcium level in the body
  • Smoking & alcohol usage
  • Physical inactivity
  • Age
  • Hormones
  • Poor Diet

What to Do for Healthy Bones & Joints?

Whether you are young and building bones or old and preserving them, bone health can be maintained if the following steps are incorporated into your lifestyle:

  • Healthy Diet Choices

Your bones need a variety of nutrients, such as calcium and vitamin C, vitamin D and vitamin K. Getting enough calcium is essential to keep the bones strong and healthy. The best way to ensure that is by including calcium-rich food in your diet. Some of the foods that we recommend you to include are:

  1. Dairy products such as low-fat yoghurt or milk.
  2. Including nuts & greens to the diet such as almonds, broccoli & kale.
  3. Other foods include canned salmon with bones, sardines and soy products, such as tofu.


Exercising is one of the best ways to keep your bones, muscles and joints strong and fit. Nearly any form of exercise on a regular basis will contribute to maintaining your bone health. To help develop stronger bones or to combat weakening bones as you get older, you should focus on weight-bearing and strength training exercises.  

Weight Management  

Closely tied to a healthy diet and regular exercise, losing weight is another way to ensure stronger joints and bones. While losing weight is more directly aimed at improving joint health (especially the knees and hips), it can also help to ease the pressure on your entire musculoskeletal structure.  

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